Stolz company

Lava products

Capabilities, production line, certificates

Stolz lavaproducts

Quality-controlled lava is ideally suited for numerous application options as a natural bulk material. Lava is used in road and path construction as a frost protection layer in accordance with ZTVT-Stb 95 and RG Min-StB (German technical rules).

In landscaping, lava is used as a paving substrate, for drainage and water equilibrium under plant pots, dry walls and edging. In addition, lava is increasingly popular in horticulture as an indestructible mulch layer and for site-specific soil improvement.

Lava is also used in the construction of sports grounds and playgrounds as a filter and support layer, or as a dynamic layer for hard courts as per DIN 18035. High requirements are posed on materials used in this sector and lava has proven itself as an environmentally-friendly material thanks to its versatile properties.

Lava has also established itself with equestrian centre builders as the main construction material due to these versatile properties for the construction of equestrian centres. It is used both in the support structures and as a dynamic layer. Thanks to the water permeability of lava, flooding is prevented even under heavy precipitation and, at the same time, lava has the property of storing water due to the product-specific porosity and therefore prevents the rapid drying out of the riding surface.

Our productline lava:

Produkt: Type: Comments:
Lava 0/3, 0/8, 0/10, 0/120  
Lava 0/45 Test certificate for frost protection layers: TL SoB-StB 04 & TL G SoB-StB 04
Lava 0/16 dosed Certified to RAL-GZ 515/1 and
DIN 18035
Lava 0/32 dosed Certified to DIN 18035 Part 5, 6, 7
Lava grain sizes 3/8, 3/16, 3/32, 8/16, 8/32, 16/32  
Lava chunks 32/56, 56/120  
Lava grain sizes 2/5, 5/8 Custom sieving